Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kid Foodies vs. Kay!

Kay is the girl responsible for the most addictive song on radio right now, "My Name is Kay". Anna Banana is responsible for taking out the trash every Tuesday. Let's see what happened when this Kid Foodie interviewed one of the brightest young up-and-comers in this dimension. You know, the dimension that matters!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kid Foodies vs. Aziz Ansari!

Aziz Ansari is a superhilarious comedian who can be seen every week on NBC's "Parks and Recreation". L-Drago has three "go-to" knock knock jokes (two of which involve Spongebob) that are considered real rib-ticklers on the playground. Let's see what happened when this Kid Foodie interviewed one of the funniest dudes on the planet...